Publications & Podcasts

Discover our collection of inspiring publications and podcasts that continue to provide invaluable wisdom and guidance in our daily lives.


Image for Farnam Street

Farnam Street

- Shane Parrish

The blog also features a podcast called The Knowledge Project, where Shane Parrish interviews experts from various fields.

The blog covers a wide range of topics, including mental models, decision-making, learning, and productivity.

We've been following this publication for the past several years. It covers a wide range of topics, including mental models, decision-making, learning, and productivity. It;s been a great resource for us.

Image for 3-2-1 Thursday

3-2-1 Thursday

- James Clear

The newsletter also includes book recommendations, articles, and other resources to help you improve your life.

The newsletter covers topics like habits, decision-making, creativity, and personal development.

We find the publication simple and easy to read. It covers topics like habits, decision-making, creativity, and personal development. The advice is practical and actionable.



Image for The Knowledge Project

The Knowledge Project

- Shane Parrish

The podcast covers topics like decision-making, learning, creativity, and personal development.

The podcast features in-depth conversations with experts from various fields, including psychology, business, science, and more.

We have been following this podcast for a while and find it very informative. It features in-depth conversations with experts from various fields, including psychology, business, science, and more.

Image for People I (Mostly) Admire

People I (Mostly) Admire

- Steven Levitt

The podcast features guests who have achieved remarkable success in their fields and have interesting stories to share.

The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including economics, psychology, business, and more.

We discovered this podcast in 2024, the podcast brings together Steven Levitt and remarkable people from various fields to discuss their stories, successes, and failures. It offers valuable insights and perspectives on life and work. Every episode is engaging and thought-provoking.
